My First Blog Post Ever !!
Posted by Bobbi Sandstrom on
Welcome To PerpetualRibbons First Blog !!
First things first.... I have never written a blog or anything that would be out there for the world to read so I'm finding myself a little nervous here. Please be kind & bear with me in regards to my writing style, due to the fact that I generally have so many ideas in my head, business decisions to make, orders to fill, pictures to take & edit, ribbon to list & general everyday life going on at the same time have a tendency to jump from one subject to another in a matter of seconds when speak. I will do my best not to do this when I write.
I was going to write a newsletter every 8 weeks & email it to my subscribers but I think this is a better idea. This way only people that are interested in hearing what I have to say & what's going on in my shop will take the time to read it. I hate receiving email that I have absolutely no interest in & I don't want to be one of those people.
So right now I'm really behind on taking & editing pictures which of course means I'm behind on listing new ribbon. Because of this, I'm making this first blog short & sweet.
I just want to thank my husband, Dan & my part time helper (who might not want her name mentioned here) for helping to keep my shop running smoothly & are always there for me when I need them.
I also want to send a special note of appreciation to an amazing lady that was sent the Heavens above, Arlynn of Arlynn's Country Craft Corner for her help in introducing my website to her many subbie's
Stay tuned for updated info, especially through the holidays
Thanks for the great ribbon Bobbi. It’s perfect!
I just want to let Bobby know that I love the ribbon that I get from her it is absolutely great quality and fantastic to work with. And thank you for being so helpful with the ribbon that I needed. You are a joy to work with. The velvet that I ordered is absolutely spectacular.